What Kinds of Marketing Tactics Should You Be Using?

When designing an effective marketing strategy, you can take advantage of many tried-and-tested tactics. The toughest part is deciding which ones work the best for your business. 

As marketing becomes more complex every day, you must master the latest tactics to hold on to your market share. Creating a balanced combination while staying within the budget is key to success. 

Let's take a closer look at the types of marketing strategies that can fit perfectly into your campaign. 


Digital Marketing: Your Online Solution  

Did you know that 76% of consumers look for a strong online presence before visiting a business? Making it easy to find your company online is just part of the process. It's complemented by search engine optimization and paid ads to ensure brand awareness, lead generation, conversion, and retention. 

In the 21st century, a successful marketing campaign must include digital marketing tactics. Otherwise, you could risk losing market share. Even if your business is fully offline, you have to make sure it's visible online as well

Audio Marketing: Exploring Broadcast Radio  

While your competition may be focusing solely on digital marketing efforts, you have a chance to stand out from the crowd with audio marketing. By leveraging broadcast radio, you can reach a large segment of your target audience when it's not busy browsing the internet or reading the competition's emails. 

In the United States, radio still has an impressive reach. You can use it to improve brand awareness, build loyalty, demonstrate credibility, and much more. By advertising your products and services through radio personalities or doing it during popular shows, you can achieve your marketing goals in a highly cost-effective manner.   


Content Marketing: Royal Power 

While marketing tactics change, one thing remains constant. Content is the king. All marketing campaigns revolve around high-quality content. In 2024, 50% of marketers plan to increase their investment in content marketing tactics. 

The goal of content is to bring value to the audience, educate your customers, and make it easy for them to engage with your products or services. From blog posts and videos to infographics and podcasts, content can help you achieve conversion and retention goals. 

With the rise of ChatGPT's popularity, the content quality on websites started to decrease. It's an excellent opportunity to stand out from the crowd and bring more value to your target audience. 

Social Media Marketing: Making the Connection  

Today, 77% of businesses use social media to connect with their customers. Yours shouldn't be an exception. Besides an impressive reach, social media marketing (SMM) involves many opportunities for: 

  • Customer support 
  • Buyer persona research 
  • Personalization 
  • Brand awareness 

You can use this tactic to foster meaningful customer relationships. With platforms offering diverse paid marketing tools to their clients, you can maximize the investment and take full advantage of SMM. 

Email Marketing: Personalization Opportunities  

Email marketing allows you to reach potential and existing customers directly. This increases your chances of driving sales and helps improve retention. However, to cut through the noise, you must provide high-quality content, catchy subject lines, and personalized solutions. 

This marketing tactic is an integral part of many successful marketing campaigns. Thanks to many high-quality tools, you can automate a big part of your email marketing efforts. 

With email marketing under your belt, you can maximize the ROI of your marketing campaign.  In fact, a recent poll demonstrated that 50% of marketing experts reported a 100% improvement in their e-mail marketing campaign's ROI. 

Influencer Marketing: Amplifying Your Voice  

By allowing influencers to deliver your message, you can reach a large percentage of your target audience. When done right, this marketing tactic can help you build credibility, improve brand awareness, and generate leads. 

The key to successful influencer marketing is finding an influencer whose values align with your company's. This way they can promote your brand passionately and effectively.   

Event Marketing: Taking the Offline Path  

While you are honing your digital marketing strategy, consider complementing it with a few offline tactics. Event marketing involves attending events (conferences, seminars, exhibits) where you can meet your audience or potential partners to promote services and products. 

You can also consider organizing an offline event on your own to maximize local awareness and create networking opportunities.  Face-to-face interactions tend to contribute to building strong relationships and leave a lasting impression. 

Implementing Effective Marketing Strategies 

Exploring different types of marketing tactics and creating a perfect combination may seem complicated. Staying within the budget while leveraging all the relevant solutions could be even harder. 

At Mid-West South Bend, we have extensive experience designing comprehensive marketing campaigns that match your needs and financial capabilities perfectly. To find out how our team can help your business thrive, please contact us at any convenient time.   

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