Online Visibility is a Must: PPC Ads for Home Improvement Businesses

To get more leads and, ultimately, more sales, you have to reach the people who need your services most. When people start the process of looking for contractors, many of them start online first. That's why it's imperative to be seen on the first page of search engines.  

However, getting your website to rank as high as you need may be a more involved process than you first thought. Online visibility for home improvement brands may not come easily. Fortunately, with pay-per-click ads for home improvement, you can increase awareness of your brand and everything you offer. 

Online Visibility for Home Improvement Companies   

A solid online presence is critical to ensuring that when customers start looking for a home improvement business, they can find your brand. People are looking for several things in a home improvement company.  

They want to see things like: 

  • A website that clearly lays out who you are, what services you offer, and why customers should trust you. 

  • Reviews from satisfied customers. Many people are looking for social proof to show them what they can expect when connecting with your brand. Many customers also trust online reviews as much as they would trust a recommendation from a friend or family member.    
  • Examples of work you've done in the past. Before and after photos that showcase your accomplishments go a long way toward helping potential customers understand why they may want to choose your brand.  

With a solid online presence and comprehensive marketing strategy, you can increase brand recognition and bring in more leads. That, in turn, helps bring you more sales.   

What are Pay-Per-Click Ads?  

PPC, or pay-per-click, ads are displayed first on search engines when customers look for relevant information about your industry using specific keywords. In the pay-per-click model, the advertiser pays when a viewer clicks on the ad. You can select the keywords you want to focus on and even key geographic areas. 

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The Benefits of PPC Ads  

PPC ads have a number of benefits.  

1. They Drive Traffic to Your Website

PPC ads are a great way to find customers who are already looking for exactly the services you provide. They see the ad, click on it, and visit your website. Then, they can go over what you offer and determine whether they want to work with your brand. With PPC ads, you can increase the frequency you appear in search results even when your organic search engine ranking isn't yet that high.  

2. They Increase Brand Recognition

Customers will often do considerable research before deciding to move forward with a home improvement project. PPC ads help ensure that your brand shows up more often when customers search for relevant information, which can help improve overall recognition. When customers recognize your brand, they're more likely to trust you with their projects. 

3. You Only Pay for Clicks

With PPC ads, you don't have to pay for impressions or the number of times customers see your content. Instead, you just have to pay when a potential lead actually clicks on the link. 

4. You Can Analyze Ad Performance and Make Changes as Needed

Thanks to clear analytics, you can learn which keywords work best for your brand, how to better focus your ads, and what your customers are most interested in. By paying attention to those key metrics, you can often see substantial improvement in ad performance.  

5. PPC Ads for Home Improvement Businesses Help Boost Sales

Often, PPC ads can lead to a considerable boost in sales for your brand. 

PPC Ad Tips for Home Improvement   

Getting ready to craft your PPC ads? Try some of these tips.  

  • Tailor your PPC ad campaign around the seasons and weather. Focus on what your customers are most likely to need, whether focusing on potential winter-proofing during the fall or highlighting indoor improvements during the winter when customers spend more time inside.  

  • Appeal to searchers' emotions. Craft ads that help encourage them to make the most of their homes and show off everything you can offer them.  

  • Develop a strategy for sales and holidays. Have a plan for altering your PPC ads to draw attention and fit the current season or highlight sales you're running. Instead of having your customers see the same thing every time, let them get to know more about your brand, what you have to offer, and how you can fit into their home improvement plans.  

Launch a PPC Ad Campaign for Your Home Improvement Brand 

At Mid-West Family South Bend, we offer a variety of marketing strategies, tools, and plans that can help you achieve your goals, including PPC ad campaigns. Contact us today to learn more. 

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